political science Quantum Policy Control Theory (science slam talk) I held a science slam talk about how public policies are created and how important it is for quantum experts to speak up and have their voices heard.
science Slides from the Quantum Technologies Meetup 2019/04/04 I held a talk at the Quantum Technologies Meetup hosted by IBM in Munich on 2019/04/04. Behold, the slides!
science Scientific research in sketches #2 Does lead feel heavier than feathers; is beauty universal; what can you do today to fight depression 3 years in the future?
science What to do when you have a drop tower and too much beer What's more dangerous in a fight, full beer bottles or empty beer bottles? And what do physicists do when drunk?
science A foolproof way to win a bet (feathers and lead) Which feels heavier, a pound of feathers or a pound of lead? A pound of lead! Seriously!