science Scientific research in sketches #2 Does lead feel heavier than feathers; is beauty universal; what can you do today to fight depression 3 years in the future?
science Scientific research in sketches #1 Small male dogs lift their legs higher than big ones when they pee; if you're fit, you can multitask much better; is music better when you hear it or when you see it?
science Scientists videotape fruit bats having sex: is fellatio useful? Fellatio helps fruit bats have sex for twice as long!
science Have you ever wanted to know what happens to bees on cocaine? Cocaine is toxic to insects, go figure!
science Would a chicken think you're pretty? Chickens that were trained to respond to average opposite-sex faces liked the versions with exaggerated features. Humans did, too! So... is beauty universal?
science The physical model of pooping in penguins Authors of the research paper: "Anyone (...) must have wondered about the pressure the bird generates."
science How high can a flea really jump? Dog fleas can jump higher than cat fleas. In other news, scientists have the strangest hobbies.
science Guy gets people to eat cat food Ever eaten cat food? Think you know what tastes good to cats? Well, have I got a new profession for you...