science The fleeting advantage of being a narcissist and do nice guys finish last It turns out narcissists are able to charm the socks off of anyone they meet — if they feel like it — but not more than that. Stick around for an overview of the narcissists' arsenal and the scientific observation of how nice guys — spoiler alert — really finish first.
science Everyone is a dick during heat waves Eternal sunshine sounds nice until you're caught in a drawn-out, blistering, summer heat wave. And it's not just the weather that's horrible then — it's everyone around you, too!
science Is listening to country music going to kill you? Hello there, let me tell you about how listening to country music is going to kill you.
science Have you ever wanted to know what happens to bees on cocaine? Cocaine is toxic to insects, go figure!
science Exercising is investing into your mental health. No, really. Regular exercise (much more than time spent sitting every day) works great against symptoms of depression up to 3 years in advance!