The Questionable Journal Club is a journal club of the PhD students in the International Max Planck Research School of Quantum Science and Technology (IMPRS-QST), focused on exploring compelling scientific research of questionable utility and its representations in various media. It strives to demystify the full scientific process to starting PhD students, and to provide means and an opportunity to retain a bright outlook and the idea of scientific work being entertaining, while allowing for analyses of others' work in a non-intimidating and largely inconsequential environment.
The club meets at one of the participating institutions in Munich or Garching, and it's currently on hiatus. The plans for meetings will be posted on this page.
If you'd like to join us, or if you have any ideas or suggestions for the club, please contact Ivana Kurecic through e-mail.
- papers you could see mentioned on Improbable Research
- stellar finds from the arXiv (e.g. Quantum music)
- problems found in the Rudolf Ortvay International Competition in Physics
- engaging talks/presentations/works that evade norm
- ...