Organic insect repellent!

The title of On human odour, malaria mosquitoes, and Limburger cheese (B. GJ Knols; 1996) sounds like it promises to provide the well-expected connection of smelly cheeses and human stink, but it goes even beyond that — it hypothesizes that smelly cheese may be more attractive to mosquitoes than the stink of human sweat, and may be used as a decoy. It had been indicated that carbon dioxide (exhaled by potential hosts) seems to be crucial for the host-seeking behavior of blood-feeding insects; other factors seem mostly unknown, and specific to particular species.

It has also been discovered that different species of mosquitoes are attracted to different parts of the human body. The Anopheles gambiae mosquito species was found to prefer biting ankles and feet of brave volunteers, and they were also successfully lured to the scent of Limburger cheese, the smell of which is very similar to the bacteria that lives between the toes on human feet.
In the words of the author,

"(...) medical entomologists are now buying Limburger cheese and taking it to mosquito-infested areas around the globe. Whether or not they will manage to attract another mosquito species with Limburger cheese remains to be seen (if not they can always eat it)."